CDBG Housing Grant Westside & Downtown

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CDBG

Location: Downtown and Westside of Ottawa, IL

The City of Ottawa has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $650,000.00 to rehabilitate approximately ten (10) homes within the city limits.

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Ottawa City Hall Council Chambers located at 301 W. Madison Street, Ottawa, IL. A representative from North Central Illinois Council of Governments (NCICG) will be present to explain the program and will have applications available to apply for the housing rehabilitation grant.

Homeowners are encouraged to apply if you meet the following criteria:

  • Live in a single-family, owner-occupied home within the designated project area, please click here for the map.
  • Meet the income guidelines for low-to-moderate income for LaSalle County, see below for income limits:
Number in HouseholdMaximum Annual Income

In order to apply, you must provide the following information:

  • Proof of income for everyone in the household age 18 and over (whether they contribute to the household or not)
  • A copy of the declaration page from your homeowner’s insurance showing the coverage on the dwelling.
  • A copy of real estate tax bill.
  • Copies of current utility bills for gas & electricity.

Each home is eligible for up to $60,000.00 in rehabilitation efforts with areas posing a threat to health and safety having the highest priority.

Per the Housing Urban Development (HUD), applicants with the following have the highest priority:

  • Very low income per the LaSalle County low-to-moderate guidelines.
  • Persons residing in the home with physical or mental disabilities.
  • Persons residing in the home over the age of 62 years old.

For questions or to complete a survey, please contact:

Connie Buchanan
North Central Illinois Council of Governments (NCICG)
Phone: 815-433-5830
Email: [email protected]

Tami Koppen
City of Ottawa
Phone: 815-433-0161 ext.240
Email: [email protected]