Economic Development
See the Ottawa Economic Development Website
Fee Schedule
Building Materials Exemption Certificate (BMEC) Fee Schedule: 0.5% of the cost of building materials, with a maximum fee of no more than $50,000
- IDOR Publications 139 & 140 about Enterprise Zones
- Ottawa Enterprise Zone BMEC Project Application
- Ottawa Enterprise Zone BMEC Certificate Application
- Ottawa Enterprise Zone BMEC Instructions
Overall Maps:
LaSalle County Maps:
- Ottawa Area EZ Ottawa
- Ottawa Area EZ Ottawa Aerial
- Ottawa Area EZ Marseilles Area
- Ottawa Area EZ Potash & Fuel
- Ottawa Area EZ Glenn
Grundy County Maps
- Ottawa Area EZ AkzoNoble & Lyondell & Aux Sable
- Ottawa Area EZ Brisbin Road Sites
- Ottawa Area EZ Coal City Inland Logistics
- Ottawa Area EZ HB Fuller