Plan Commission

Plan Commission

Meeting Schedule: Fourth Monday of each month
Meeting Location: City Hall
# of Members: Nine (9)
Length of Term: 3 years

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Plan Commission Bylaws

The plan commission shall consist of nine members, residents of the city or persons who reside within territory contiguous to the city and not more than 1 1/2 miles beyond the corporate limits and not within another municipality, to be appointed by the mayor on the basis of their particular fitness for their duty and service on the plan commission. The appointments shall be subject to approval and consent of the council.

Of the nine members on the plan commission, three shall serve for a period of one year, three for a period of two years and three for a period of three years. Thereafter, such members shall serve for a period of three years. Vacancies shall be filled by appointments for unexpired terms only. All members of the plan commission shall serve without compensation except that, if the council deems it advisable, the secretary may receive compensation as may be fixed from time to time by the council and provided for in the appropriation ordinance. The terms of office set forth in this section shall commence on April 1 of each calendar year, and the council by proper resolution shall fill all vacancies as they occur.

Immediately following their appointment, the members of the plan commission shall meet, organize and elect such officers as it may deem necessary, and adopt and later change or alter rules and regulations of organization and procedure consistent with city ordinances and state laws. The commission shall keep written records of its proceedings, which shall be open at all times to public inspection. The commission shall also file an annual report with the mayor and council, setting forth its transactions and recommendations.

The plan commission shall have the following powers and duties:

(1) To prepare and recommend to the council a comprehensive plan of public improvements, looking to the present and future developments and growth of the city. Such a plan, after its adoption by the council, shall be known as the official plan of the city. Such plan shall include reasonable requirements in reference to streets and alleys, and public grounds within the corporate limits and in contiguous territory outside of and distant not more than 1 1/2 miles from such limits, and not included in any municipality, such requirements to be effective whenever such lands shall be subdivided after the adoption of such plan.

(2) To prepare and recommend to the council, from time to time, such changes in the plan or any part thereof as may be deemed necessary by the council or plan commission.

(3) To prepare and recommend to the council, from time to time, plans and/or recommendations for specific improvements in pursuance to such official plan.

(4) To give aid to officials of the city charged with the direction of projects for improvements embraced within the official plan, to further the making of such improvements, and generally to promote the realization of the official plan.

(5) To prepare and recommend to the corporate authorities schemes for regulating or forbidding structures or activities which may hinder access to solar energy necessary for the proper functioning of solar energy systems, as defined in section 1.2 of The Comprehensive Solar Energy Act of 1977, or to recommend changes in such schemes.
State Law References: Similar provisions, 65 ILCS 5/11-12-5.

(6) To arrange and conduct any form of publicity relative to its activities from the general purpose of public understanding.

(7) To cooperate with municipal or regional plan commissions and other agencies or groups to further the local planning program and to ensure harmonious and integrated planning for the area.

(8) To exercise such other powers germane to the powers granted under authority of the Illinois Municipal Code, as may be conferred by the council.


2025 Plan Commission Agendas


2025 Plan Commission Minutes